Noelle Africh | Superstition @ slow dance

June 15th I Slow danced at 315 and 330pm coo1 coos

I used to love to get turkey at Koo Koo Roo® with dad when I was younger Said a modern day Pliny the elder or was that Phineas (and Ferb)

What is passed down, Thoughts in 12 swings, Coo Coo

Kept lukewarm


I always associate glue with reincarnation

Somehow the heating transforms it back into a LIVE sticky hot mess 10,9,8,7,6, 5 , 4, 3, 2, 1 …

I made sure to walk under a ladder and befriend a black cat before walking in Clock ticking in Lindenwood, basswood or bast

Fit for a cult of bubastis or mined in eventual uranium2 bastnäsite Ptah


Coo Coo

Death Clock : Signal Tether Reliquary Already Arena Giant Cleft Within Red Sky Loomer Signal Tether Reliquary Already Arena Giant Cleft Within Red Sky Loomer

Signaling the giant within the red sky already tethers the reliquary arena cleft with loomers The giant signal tethered to the reliquary is within the looming red sky arena cleft

The cleft giant reliquary tethered to the arena, is looming within the signaling red sky The giant red sky is cleft within a loomer signaling arena tethered to the reliquary


1 There is a small, gray pigeon that's called a mourning dove because its coo is so sad sounding.

2 Talk about SCA(REE*)Y *Rare Earth Element

The giant loomed over the reliquary grinning within the tethered arena, signaling the red sky The red sky within giant cleft looming eyes reliquary arena tethers signals already

The loomer was a giant Cleft within and of power The reliquary it holds

A red sky arena fills then night A signal tethered to the earth “Already” said the onlooker

The reliquary it holds

As the red sky arena fills the night A signal tethered to the earth

The loomer was GIANT

Cleft and grinning with power “Already” said the onlooker, Si3

Cleft because it hurt more when you were leaving Cut up and without temper

You ‘dissed me

If this is a common affliction I need surgery

Under brush

Is Giant the one behind the door looming

As loomer sits at the right hand of the throne - N.A4

The paintings wrapped in linen

Covered in geometric and abstract patterns As for afterlife, bound in future

Yet fragile left not for the modern tomb robber who needs flesh-eating encaustic sarcophagus5 ladden portraits

Noelle is more aware of a different future preserving of abstraction

Persevering as giant loomer

Often hunched over between 9 - 16in panels The clock completes the polyptych


3 Si - Yes in Spanish, close spelling to sei? superstitious 4/death? ,but not in sound only in sight?

4 N.A. - Not applicable

5 The writer is foreshadowing, using the term later as impending sense of the term loom

Like early earth the polyp is anchored before the storm of evolution Making many loomers, some of them medusa

Turning us back into sarcophagus

In the vault that is slow dance,

An eerie musical chairs game conspires Leaving you falling in love with surface Edge

Like a few mm

Like your fingernails after death Like what is beyond even?

One’s behind a door viewable sundays or by appt.

The painter as is already loomer

Old Wives Tales or just wive’s tale, or just your wife’s ass? Do you have to be an old wife to make a superstition?

I”m off track now, I’ll just put on Bitches Brew and move on, Or was that Grimm’s law or fairytale superstition

Using sound as ammunition foreboding phonetic stops6 Coo coo stop coo coo stop

What do we leave after we die?

Apparently for some it is a broken death clock, needing of repair If you wind it up, are you buying into the superstition?

It’s a nice excuse to keep around a late 1800s carved chunk of lindenwood Lime cocktail anyone,

Coo Coo Coo Coo Coo o‘clock7

GIN RICKEY. Use a sour glass. Squeeze the juice of one lime into it. One small lump of ice. One wine glass of Plymouth gin. Fill the glass with syphon seltzer, and serve with a small bar spoon.

Squeeze lime into the whisky before topping the drink with soda, Not unlike the distemper method

Painted while bathing in a hot tray,

How much carbs to crack, like mud between the toes Pigment between fingertips

Waiting for the waves to swallow me up whole There’s a death clock somewhere!


6 In phonetics, a plosive, also known as an occlusive or simply a stop, is a pulmonic consonant in which the vocal tract is blocked so that all airflow ceases.

7 It’s 5 o’clock somewhere. Am I right?

Already with works from 2023 in the year of the rabbit, Here within this future, They’re cooking up dragons

The best use of the superstitious: the love for magic and craft.

If the clocks are made to sell in the winter, These paintings are fruits of labor, loomers Fruit of the loom® underwear

The farmer like the painter is attentive patient One who needs to scare crows of some kind

To scare or ward off

Who is scared or scaring? Scarred.

Probably made by witches just planting seeds for the upcoming harvest Like farmer, the painter is loomer and plans accordingly

Sometimes by making scarecrows or paintings containing surfaces to scare boids or boys? Hot take summer

Bellowing chambers singing

As if paintings join in as chamber orchestra An acapella of textures, noises, gestures How do we experience painting?

Signaling or sending signals Tethers as tension strings vibrating How do we store information?

Reliquaries, the portable feretory Ferreting across water territory as Charon

N.A. Ferrets bred as rabbit killers, rabbiting

Distemper painting breeding dead rabbits back into vessels called feretories Purgatory


Looming most definitely In this world as arena,

Only the glad iators reign in Smiles

But like Cheshire cat grinning Superstitious

already I’m Alice and I eat the wrong side of the mushroom A Giant red peach in the sky

wait now I”m james?

Cut and leaving,

Unlike a cut and leafing,

Logcutter ants must have a lot in common with the 1880s cleft german Using arms to saw,

Making things to look at Seen

Is superstition visible? Or just seen and telephoned in? Like Erichtho, unlike sibyl its good to be wicked Whereas the the sibyl sings of fates on leaves

Noelle prophetizes with potions the reanimation of spirits

that Sæhrímnir painting is cooked every day by the cook Andhrímnir Noelle in the pot Eldhrimnir

they call studio, and is again whole every evening bone breaking ending food rejuvenating superstition

Revenant, Lich, Draugr and Dybbuk

Gjenganger, ghost, dullahan, jiangshi Lugat kuukudh Nachzehrer and also Nav Strigoi poltergeist pocong the undead Vampire, wiederganger, ghoul, and zombie Fuck

There is suffering therefore I am

There is suffering, thus there is superstition There’s a sarcophagus lying somewhere uneaten If oil painting is fleshy, or is it flemish?

Flesh eating stone must be distemper

In this above ground sarcophagus we call Chicago These caskets if we can call them that,

Painting as container Are not dead but loomer As in to long for

Coo Coo

It’s Dinner time8

-Jeffrey Yard, Friend


8 And/or 5 o’clock somewhere.